We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year in the Year of the Goat!
On the following links you can watch / read about the participants' impressions about Vietnam (only in Hungarian language):
►The video of TV2 Aktív:
►TurizmusTrend Magazin:

The participants have arrived in Vietnam safely with Turkish Airlines on the Budapest - Istanbul - Ho Chi Minh City route. The delegation spent the first days with visiting Vietnam's largest city, Ho Chi Minh, the famous UNESCO World Heritage site, the city of Hoi An and spent two wonderful nights in a resort near Danang, which area is considered as one of the most beautiful coasts in the world.

In cooperation with the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and Turkish Airlines, our Foundation participated in organizing a Study Tour for the Hungarian media and travel agency representatives.

In November 2014 a Hungarian delegation visited Vietnam in order to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries in the nuclear field. During the visit the delegation of the renowned Hungarian firm, the Gamma Technical Co. donated a Beta-Gamma integral spectroscopy system to the Hanoi University of Science and Technology for educational purposes.